RU/2: Форум. Общение пользователей и разработчиков OS/2 (eCS). : Пиплы, совет нужен.

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From : Dmitry I. Platonoff
To : ???
Subj : Пиплы, совет нужен.

> > Нужно 3д, желательно не шибко дорогое
> Matrox + VooDoo, и ничего другого ты не услышишь :)

First, that is not going to be cheap. Then, PCI Voodoo accelerators are not the best gaming solution by themselves. I'd suggest a Matrox G200 video card which is excellent in both 2D and 3D graphics and in OS/2 support as well. The price of the 8Mb card is less than $70 ( -- this is certainly less than a separate 2D accel and 3D cards.

The cheapest solution is, I believe, i740 video card -- $30-35 with almost acceptable 2D and 3D performance (what you could expect for 30 bucks :)

Sorry for my English.

Mon 03 Dec 2001 18:39 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows NT)

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