RU/2: Форум. Общение пользователей и разработчиков OS/2 (eCS). : LanDistance: some parameter considerations

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From : GA
To : GA
Subj : LanDistance: some parameter considerations

o If you are using LAN Server or LAN Requester 3.0, install Corrective Service Diskette (CSD) IP07001 on:

- every LAN Requester 3.0 workstation using LAN Distance to establish a connection to a LAN Server
- every LAN Server 3.0 workstation that you will access using the LAN Distance product.

To obtain CSD IPO7001, contact IBM Software Solutions at 1-800-992-4777 (United States), 1-800-465-2222
(Canada), or 1-800-426-1774 (International).

o If you are running version 2.0 or 3.0 of the DOS LAN Requester on your MS Windows LAN Distance Remote, you
should install CSD 7003 for the DOS LAN Requester product.

Because of the slower data transfer speeds over the LAN Distance connection, you can experience problems with
large file transfers, the XCOPY command, session timeouts, and logging onto a LAN Server.

To avoid these problems, make the following modifications for:

o every LAN Server that has resources you will access using the LAN Distance product

o every LAN Requester workstation using the LAN Distance product.

Edit LAN Server IBMLAN.INI file in the IBMLAN subdirectory:

1. Modify the LAN Server SRVHEURISTICS Parameter:

Change bit 15 (marked by an ) in the SRVHEURISTICS parameter from 1 to any number from 2 to 8. This
sets the timeout value to the maximum value of 127 seconds. If this does not improve performance, turn off
the timeout value by setting bit 15 to 9.

(bit position counter->) 0123456789012345678
SRVHEURISTICS = 1111014111131102133

2. Increase LAN Sever SESSTIMEOUT value from 45 to 300.

Edit LAN Requester IBMLAN.INI file in the IBMLAN subdirectory:

1. Locate the WRKHEURISTICS parameter in the LAN Requester IBMLAN.INI file and change bits 11, 12, and 13
(marked by an ) in the WRKHEURISTICS parameter from 1 to 0.

1 2 3
(bit position counter->) 0123456789012345678901234567890123
WRKHEURISTICS = 1111111121300011110001011120111221

2. Increase LAN Requester SESSTIMEOUT value from 45 to 300.

Edit DOS LAN Requester DOSLAN.INI file in the DOSLAN subdirectory:

1. Add the following statement to the end of the file.

/NMS:3 /NVS:2 /API

2. Set the /NBS parameter to match the value for the sizereqbuf parameter in the Server's IBMLAN.INI file.

3. Change the /BBS parameter so it is 1K larger the the /NBS parameter specified in step 2.

4. Change the last character in the /WKS (DLR heuristics) parameter from 0 to 1.


DOS LAN Requester Performance Parameters

Updates to Chapter 10 of the LAN Distance Advanced Guide and Appendix B of the LAN Distance Remote Guide,
section "Changing DOS LAN Requester Performance Parameters". Item 5, /WKS parameter should state "change
the 4th character to 0 and the last character to 1".

Example: /WKS:111021101021211

Advanced LAN Server 4.0 with LAN Distance Connection Server

When running IBM LAN Server 4.0 Advanced with IBM LAN Distance Connection Server you may experience
problems with insufficient NETBIOS resources. Two possible symptoms indicate this problem:

o When starting LAN Distance error message WCL554 appears stating that the LAN Distance product requires more
NETBIOS resources than are available.

o The NETBIOS protocol does not load at system startup.

If either of these symptoms occur, the following steps are recommended:

NOTE: Restart your workstation after each step to see if the problem is solved. If the problem remains, try the
next step.

1. Remove any unnecessary NETBIOS applications.

2. Edit the \IBMLAN\IBMLAN.INI file.

In the [Network] section, reduce the number of NCBs. See example below:

NETx=NETBEUI$, 0, LM10, yyy , 175, zzz


NETx=NETBEUI$, 0, LM10, yyy , 125, zzz

where x = 1,2....
yyy = Number of NetBIOS Sessions
zzz = Number of NetBIOS Names

3. Determine the maximum number of calls that are expected to dial into the LAN Distance server at any one

o Edit the \WAL\WCLLOCAL.INI file with any ASCII editor.

o Under [SRDDEFS] reduce the SESSIONS = parameter from 32 to the maximum number of calls.

For example, if you expect a maximum of 16 calls at any one time, set SESSIONS = 16.

o Change COMMANDS = 90 to the new SESSIONS value times 3.

For example, if the new SESSIONS value is 16, then set COMMANDS to 48. This reduces the number of
NETBIOS resources that the LAN Distance product will attempt to take when it is started.

maxconversations = 10 maxconversations = 10
adapter = 2 adapter = 2
sessions = 32 to sessions = 16
commands = 90 commands = 48
datagram = 6 datagram = 6

Sun 26 Jan 2003 14:52 Mozilla/4.61 [en] (OS/2; U)

Programmed by Dmitri Maximovich, Dmitry I. Platonoff, Eugen Kuleshov.
25.09.99 (c) 1999, RU/2. All rights reserved.
Rewritten by Dmitry Ban. All rights ignored.