RU/2: Форум. Общение пользователей и разработчиков OS/2 (eCS). : Lotus Notes v5 installation under ODIN(a guide)

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From : GA
To : Stanley
Subj : Lotus Notes v5 installation under ODIN(a guide)

Now after installing 20020822-release.wpi I AM ABLE TO INSTALL Note 5+
under OS/2 WITHOUT the need for windows. The installation went almost
perfect except the time zones which I ignored. All the entries into
the *.dat files were correct. The program runs very well, is as
stable as in windows wich it means crushes once in a while without
bringing the system down and it is a bit slower that the windows
installation. Interestingly the printer problems is not resolved. I
was expecting the opposite. I have looked into the *.dat files without
being able to pinpoint the problem.

In summary Notes 5+ is close to a perfect Odin program. Great Job.

Tips during installation:

(1) The installer is a 16 bit therfore you should copy all
directories to a hard disk.

(2) Replace the 2 16 bits files <setup.exe> and <_isdel.exe> with the
32bit conterparts.

(3) When ask for the time zone you will find the dialog empty just
bring the list (Ctrl-Esc) and close notes.

(4) reboot to activate the changes in the config.sys.

(5) Open Note.ini and add the following line:


(6) When load notes it will complain that IE is not found. Got to
location and change the browser to Notes browser.

AIM: terryXela *** ICQ: 6387625
Date: US: 09/04/02 / Euro: 04.09.02, Time: 22:50:46

Wed 25 Jun 2003 22:34 Mozilla/4.61 [en] (OS/2; U)

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