From : GA
To : All
Subj : Browser MITAYO v0.1

Attention: translation by translator

It is a šbrowser "MITAYO" xamination site in my simple 2.

MITAYO It is a šÊ browser in my simple 2 of šî and an OS/2 native.
Since šâšä without a means to write by the OS/2 native was also regarded as how it is to the board by which access restriction was carried out to the WEB browser, it made.
(cautions: -- it does not operate in Windows and Mac -- while natural)

It is the intention of exposing for a while here until it becomes the intention formally raised to the library of Vector since specification still š] three times 2 š]s although it begins
to make in fact and passes fairly, and radio and TV does not open, and making it into the thing.
Download (ver0.1)

š¡ Table of contents

Environment of operation



The example of description of a URL address

Thread display

Thread list display

Button explanation

Pull down menu item

A RESU write-in dialog

Setting notebook

Off-line mode

Command line option

Error message


The present condition and a future view

Change history

š¡ Environment of operation

OS/2 WARP4 Drive formatted by +TCP/IP+HPFS (convenience of management of a log file)

š¡ Feature

As it is, it is light.
(Since it is made only in standard control, also functionally and visually, it is HENACHOKO ^^;)

A simple interface similar to a WEB browser.
(It is an interface [ a little ARE / as a šÊ browser ] in my two ^^;)

A "board list display", "SURE š§šä", "-", "favorite", "NG WORD", and "bookmark" function It is not. (šš) .
(or [ ... to be supported in the future / ^^; ])

Although the log of a thread leaves, there is no log file arrangement function (šš).
(A lengthy log continues collecting ^^;)

No BBS other than šÊ is supporting in my two.

In addition, fairly random structure ^^;
(Especially error processing)

š¡ Usage

MITAYO.EXE šÒ -- it puts on a suitable directory (the drive by which the long file name was supported ... in short -- HPFS -- it is indispensable that it is ...), and is made to
only perform
(Even if it performs more than one, there is especially no problem)
An input of the URL address of a thread (or thread list) to peruse by which following methods starts reading.
In addition, read data of a thread (or thread list), MITAYO.EXE To a šíšššÊ directory log The directory to say is created and it is saved automatically in the bottom of it.

The URL address of a thread (or thread list) is inputted into the input field of the center of the main window upper row, and the Enter key is pushed.
In addition, the history of a URL address is recorded to 20 affairs. The right of the input field A push on a button displays the list of histories, and the title of the item

A URL address is inputted from the dialog "which opens a URL address", and the "(O") button to open is pushed.

A URL object file is dragged and dropped on a main window.
(Two or more drops are possible)

A URL address is specified to be a command line option.
(Two or more specification is possible)
It can restrict to this means and "http://" of the head of a URL address can be omitted (measure against REXX).

š¡ The example of description of a URL address
A thread list is displayed.


Same as the above.

Newest 50 RESU of a specific thread is displayed.

Same as the above.

RESU of the specific range of a specific thread is displayed.
If the former numerical value is omitted and the latter numerical value will be omitted for RESU from a head to the latter numerical value, RESU after the former
numerical value will be displayed.

read.cgi&bbs=yyyy&key=nnnnnnnnnn&start=1 01&end=200
Same as the above.
At the time of a range specification abbreviation, it is RESU of the range at the time of an abbreviation. (" all by the default") It is shown a šÒ table.


The two above-mentioned specifying methods, MITAYO It is the original specifying method.
RESU of only "all" and "non-šú" is displayed clearly, respectively.

š¡ Thread display

The thread display is fundamentally based on the display form in a WEB browser.
However, the mail column Always unreserved . At the time of perusal of a board with the custom of performing the so-called NETABARE in the mail column, it is attention.

As for RESU by which the so-called "šššÿ - šÓ" was carried out, and a thread stopper's RESU, the contents are not displayed at all.
(Only a RESU number is displayed)
Those differences cannot be distinguished from appearance. Please judge with the air of the SURE (šš).

On a thread display, a word wrap is not performed by the default.
nud Pull down menu or Setting notebook It is alike and setting change is possible.

It is on a thread display, and if context menu display operation (button 2 single click under Shift+F10 šš) is performed, the pop up menu for transmitting a text to a clip board
will be displayed.
the other function ... the jump to a URL address, and ... It is not. Or [ ..., among those / mounting ] ^^;

š¡ Thread list display

The display items of a thread list are a "number", "existing šú / the number of non-šú", the "last reading time", and a "title" sequentially from the left.
Incidentally "numbers" is consecutive numbers of the priority of the thread in the board which a server assigns.
(Numerical value specifically described on the left-hand side of each title when displaying a thread list by the WEB browser)

A thread list is sorted on condition that following any.

Ranking of the number of the thread which a server assigns (young numerical order and this are a default)

Reading time
MITAYO Ranking of the renewal time of last of the log which is šªùš¶(ing) (the new order of time)

Creation time
Ranking of the creation time of the thread in a server (the new order of a thread)

in addition Off-line mode If it comes out and sorts in "numerical" order, it will sort in order of the log file name of a thread (mostly šî the old order of a thread).

It is on a thread list, and if open operation (double click under Enter key šš) is performed, reading of the thread of a cursor position will be started (opening a new tab).
Completion of reading displays RESU of "newest 50" by the default.
nud Off-line mode All RESU is always displayed.

It is on a thread list, and if context menu display operation (button 2 single click under Shift+F10 šš) is performed, the pop up menu for choosing and opening the display
range of the thread of a cursor position will be displayed.

In addition, a thread display and a thread list display do not interlock. That is, although a thread display is opened and RESU is read, each item of a thread list display is not
updated if automatic.
(Please perform "re-reading" manually)

š¡ Button explanation

As for the function of all buttons, keyboard accelerator assignment is also performed.
On the right of a button name Green It comes out and is a notation.

[ | šî and NOSHI ] Button Ctrl+O
A URL address input dialog is displayed.

[ š~ ] Button ESC
Reading is interrupted.

[ š± ] Button Shift+F5
Last RESU of a thread present on display or subsequent ones is re-read.

[ šä ] Button F5
A thread (or thread list) present on display is re-read (by the same range specification).

[ Off-line ] Check box Pause
Off-line mode ší ON / OFF is changed.

[ phi (-šî-) ] Button Ctrl+R
A RESU write-in dialog It is shown a šÒ table.

[ <- ] [ -> ] Button F11 F12
A display is changed to the tab of before or the next.

[ + ] Button Ctrl+T
A new tab is inserted (a maximum of 64 pieces).

[ X ] Button Ctrl+F4
The tab in the front row is closed.

š¡ Pull down menu item

As for the function of almost all menus, keyboard accelerator assignment is also performed.
On the right of a menu name Green It comes out and is a notation.

File: Open a URL address. Ctrl+O
A URL address input dialog is displayed.

File: Reading stop ESC
Reading processing is interrupted.

File: URL object creation Ctrl+K
The URL object of the thread (or thread list) displayed now is created.
In addition, description of the display range of a thread, Setting notebook It is transposed to description of the range come out of and specified.

File: Closing Alt+F4

Edit: Copy a selection part. Ctrl+C Ctrl+Insert
In a thread display, the selection part in the thread display field is copied.
In a thread list display, the URL address of a selection part is copied.
(Since it functions only when a focus is in the thread display field or a thread list display list box, it is careful of this function)

Edit: Copy a title. Ctrl+Y
The title of a thread (or thread list) is copied.

Edit: Write in RESU. Ctrl+R
A RESU write-in dialog It is shown a šÒ table.

Reference: Reference Ctrl+F
A character sequence reference dialog is displayed.

Reference: Upper part reference / lower part reference Ctrl+P Ctrl+N
It refers to the conditions searched last time towards the upper part or a lower part.
(When not searching once, a character sequence reference dialog is displayed)

Display: RESU reading of a continuation Shift+F5
Last RESU of a thread present on display or subsequent ones is re-read.

Display: Range
RESU of the range the thread displayed now was specified to be is displayed.

Display: Sorting
A thread list present on display is sorted (rearrangement).
(Sorting conditions) Thread list display šÒšQšö

Display: Re-reading F5
A thread (or thread list) present on display is re-read (by the same range specification).

Tab: A front tab / the following tab F11 F12
A display is changed to the tab of before or the next.

Tab: Insert a new tab. Ctrl+T
A new tab is inserted (a maximum of 64 pieces).

Tab: Close the present tab. Ctrl+F4
The tab in the front row is closed.

Option: Setting notebook
Setting notebook šÒšJš«šøšž.

Option: Word wrap
a thread display -- and A RESU write-in dialog The existence of the word wrap of the šíšØšî field is set up.

Option: Tab display
The existence of a tab display of a main window is set up.

Option: Off-line mode Pause
Off-line mode ší ON / OFF is changed.

Help: Simple help
MITAYO ší -- easy usage is displayed

MITAYO ší -- an easy introduction is displayed

š¡ A RESU write-in dialog

The "board name" and the "thread name" for writing are displayed on the upper row, and there is a column which inputs a "name", a "mail address", and the "text"
immediately downward.
The text is indispensable. Empty is sufficient as a name and the mail address column.
If "the namelessness" is checked, it will become the default name of the board.
The mail column will be set to "sage" if "sage" is checked.

In this column, a word wrap is not performed by the default.
(Main window) Pull down menu or Setting notebook It is alike and setting change is possible.

The contents of an input of the name column and the mail column are distinguished for every board, when it transmits. COOKIE.INI It is recorded on a file.
(It becomes the default contents of an input at the time of writing in the next)
In addition, record is not performed when the name column is only a half-size number.

A RESU write-in dialog is a MODORESU dialog. Even if it re-reads a thread during edit or closes the tab which shows the thread, there is no problem.

A RESU write-in dialog is opened a maximum of 32 pieces.

A RESU write-in dialog is not interlocked with a thread display. That is, although RESU is written in, a thread display is not updated if automatic.
(Please perform "re-reading" manually)

š¡ Setting notebook

If change of a setup depresses "application (A)" button, a setup of the page in the front row in the time will be applied, and if "comprehension (O)" button is depressed, it will
be collectively applied by setup of all pages.
(All change is canceled when other closing operations are performed)

Display: Word wrap
a thread display -- and A RESU write-in dialog The existence of the word wrap of the šíšØšî field is set up.
(This item is a main window.) Pull down menu since -- it can set up

Display: Font
a thread display -- and A RESU write-in dialog The font of the šíšØšî field is set up.

Window: Tab display
The existence of a tab display of a main window is set up.
(This item is a main window.) Pull down menu since -- it can set up

Window: The number restrictions of back row tab characters
The character sequence of the tab which is the back row is restricted to the specified number of characters.

the time of an abbreviation -- : of operation -- the display range of the thread at the time of a URL character sequence input
1: URL address specification in a command line
2: The URL address input in the input field on a main window
3: The URL address input in the dialog "which opens a URL address"
4: URL address notation of the URL object dragged and dropped
Above, when the display range of a thread is omitted in four situations, it chooses of which range RESU is displayed.
(By the default, they are "all")
About in addition, "1:" Command line option /Rrange When it comes out and forcible specification of the range specification is carried out, priority is given there.

the time of an abbreviation -- : of operation -- the display range of the thread when opening from a thread list
In case a thread is opened from a thread list, it chooses of which range RESU is displayed.
(By the default, it is "newest 50")

the time of an abbreviation -- : of operation -- sorting of a thread list
It chooses in what order a thread list is sorted.
(Sorting conditions) Thread list display šÒšQšö
(By the default, it has a "number")

URL object: Range specification of a thread
Range specification of the URL address of a thread of the URL object created by the "URL object creation" function is set up.
(By the default, it is "newest 50")

URL object: Specify an icon.
The icon of the URL object created by the "URL object creation" function is set up.
(invalid by the default ... the default icon of OS -- it is ...)

URL object: Specify a browser.
The browser used when the URL object created by the "URL object creation" function "is opened" is set up.
(invalid by the default ... the default browser of OS -- it is ...)
In addition, it is a default at each input item. MITAYO It succeeds in the description for specifying it as a šÒ browser.

š¡ Off-line mode

In off-line mode, a network is not accessed, but only a log file is read and it comes to do -> display of it.
If a thread list is displayed in off-line mode, the list of the log files saved will be displayed.
Moreover, all RESU is displayed, whenever it omits range specification of a thread list to a URL address in off-line mode and opens a thread.
(A range setup of "operating at the time of an abbreviation" is disregarded)

š¡ Command line option

A size character is identified for the following command line option in the same category.
(A size character is distinguished about URL address specification)
When you specify more than one, please divide in a half-size blank character.

Off-line mode An execution start is come out and carried out.

To the history of a URL address, a setup, and the INI file name that saves a window position name It šÒšwšÉ.
(Extension) .INI With šîšéšªš÷ and a default MITAYO.EXE A directory with a file MITAYO.INI
Please use it to use a setup of a font etc. properly.

In addition, an INI file saves the name of BBS etc. at others. BBS.INI Cookie is saved. COOKIE.INI Non-šúšÏÓ of a thread etc. is saved. LOCAL.INI It šªšÍš¬.
(These) /P It cannot be concerned with the existence of option specification and cannot change by fixation.

The range specification included in the URL address of a command line is disregarded. range It is alike and substitutes.
The description method, It of a URL address It is the same. for example /Rl50 šö -- when it describes, even if range specification is carried out what in the URL
address of a command line -- the newest -- RESU of 50 is displayed
By the special specifying method /R accepting it -- or /Rall They are all RESU when it specifies. /Rnew When it specifies, only RESU of non-šú is displayed.
nud /Rnew šî, /F It will become invalid if simultaneously specified as an option.

The range forcible specification by this option is effective only to the URL address simultaneously specified at the command line.
(The URL address inputted after program execution is inapplicable)

š¡ Error message

This program supports only Japanese. Continue?
It performed in environments other than Japanese (code page 932). Although it can be continued by the program MITAYO Operation (display) in šîšpšË environment etc.
is not supported.

This program cannot be performed unless it is OS/2 after a version 4.
It is as purport of a letter.

This program cannot be normally performed on a FAT drive. Does it continue?
MITAYO.EXE It exists on a šª FAT drive. Although it can be continued by the program, preservation of a log file cannot be performed.

A board or a thread is not found (???).
At the time of data reading of a thread (or thread list), the error of the purport "in which the thread (or thread list) of the specified URL address does not exist" was
returned by the server.
(End) ??? being alike -- the error code returned by the server is displayed
Is "details information displayed? If " is in the question of " and it is answered as (Y)" at it, the response from a server can be perused.

The error was returned from the server (???).
At the time of data reading of a thread (or thread list), a certain error was returned from the server.
(End) ??? being alike -- the error code returned by the server is displayed
Is "details information displayed? If " is in the question of " and it is answered as (Y)" at it, the response from a server can be perused.

The error occurred (-1).
At the time of data reading of a thread (or thread list) MITAYO The error occurred inside.

(The specified URL address) cannot be opened.
URL address, The example of description of a URL address It is alike and only the description system which met is supported.

A range specification value is inaccurate.
A range specification value has inconsistency (the value of last is larger than a head).

Transmitting processing is not completed. May I be interrupted?
On the way [ of transmitting processing ] ("transmitting (S)" button šššºšO is also included), A RESU write-in dialog šÒ÷š¶šÊ operation was performed.

The file of a same name already exists. Does it overwrite?
It was going to create the URL object by the file name which already exists at the time of URL object creation.

URL object creation went wrong.
It is as purport of a letter.

An INI file name is too long.
Command line option /P The specification of an INI file name boiled and depended is too long.

š¡ MITAYO launcher "MITAYON"

MITAYON.EXE šî, MITAYO It is a program for preventing šíš½šd execution. MITAYO.EXE šíšÇšÎšÉ is performed.
MITAYO If it is under execution to šªšÝ, it will point to the display of the URL address specified to be the window, and self will be ended immediately. Moreover, it is if it has not
performed. MITAYO.EXE šÒ -- it is made to perform newly and self is ended immediately too
MITAYO Probably, to specify instead will be good to open many windows in case a ší program object is created.

Note : MITAYON.EXE šî -- surely MITAYO.EXE šö -- It puts on the same directory and please let me perform.

The specification method of a command line option MITAYO.EXE ší It almost the same -- coming out -- it is .
(Correcting.) /F Option, MITAYO It is ignored when it is under execution to šªšÝ.
MITAYON.EXE As an original option, two are added below.

It already performs [ inner / be / it ]. MITAYO It is alike and it is directed that a surely new tab opens a URL address.
Usually, although the tab in the front row is overwritten and opened, it is plurality (being means, such as opening two or more URL objects simultaneously).
MITAYON.EXE šÒ -- if it is made to perform simultaneously, they will scramble for the tab in the front row and the situation where only one URL address is displayed
will occur
Probably, as for the direction which may perform such operation, it will be good to specify this option in advance. However, since a new tab is created each time each
time one by one, the work which closes them becomes complicated.

It already performs [ inner / be / it ]. MITAYO.EXE since -- the maximum time which stands by a response n It is set as a second.
(A default 10 seconds)
Please use it in a very heaviness environment, and when the error "with a response" comes out, specify a larger value.

The error message currently prepared is as follows.

Resource assignment went wrong (EventSem).

Resource assignment went wrong (SharedMem).

Resource assignment went wrong (Memory).

MITAYO.EXE has not been performed.
MITAYO.EXE The error occurred before the time of execution, or the communication start.

There is no response from MITAYO.EXE.

The error occurred inside MITAYO.EXE.

A version with MITAYO.EXE is not in agreement.
It already performs [ inner / be / it ]. MITAYO.EXE The error occurred at the time of communication.
"There is no response." When an error occurs, it is a command line option. /Wn Please come out and lengthen standby time.

š¡ The present condition and a future view

Since there is no "favorite" function, it is hard to use and does not šâš½šÚšššÉšÂ (šš).
Realistic usage will say that it has the folder which saved up the URL object made on one's own account, and it carries out [ drag and drop ] in a double click, and
peruses from there.
(Although it is an explanation grade, since there is also a URL object output function, please utilize at most ^^;)

* Or [ saying that motivation does not go up since it said or the author is satisfied with KORE ] (š§)

per the management function of a log file and link place RESU display function is early -- what -- I want to carry out (^.^;)
(This šî through which it does not pass, the author since he is also nonplused, it is thought that it is coped with ... ^^;)

although he wants to also incorporate NG WORD function -- the author -- it is left, while it is the function which he has not used and a 1 more mounting image has
not been ready ... (^. ^;) -- /

As one of the known bugs After becoming "a connection end" before resulting in a display, this thing has time strangely. There is saying.
Reproducibility is low and a cause is WAKARAN well... Since load is not applied to CPU at all and it returns in about dozens of seconds, please leave it without haste
(^^;) ...

When two or more URL addresses are made to read simultaneously, the period until it reads and completes is strangely heavy. ší is not a bug but
specification (šš).

In the present condition which is the specification which will be displayed from RESU of the last displayed last time if "non-šú" RESU is displayed
although it is WAKE made into the same specification as the link of "a display of new-arrival RESU" in a WEB browser ... it would be a feeling of a physical disorder --
? -- it is a future examination subject

Although it is the lie which is called ... although it is WAKE which also made it the same specification as the action in a WEB browser that the information acquired
when a thread was opened is not reflected in a thread list display, or not to be reflected in a thread display after RESU writing, and it is honest omission (šš).
It is considering as the future subject.

In the present archive file The manual is not attached. .
(This page is a manual substitute ^^;)

š¡ Change history

It public-presentation-starts on WEB.

It returns.



Tue 04 Nov 2003 16:07 Mozilla/4.61 [en] (OS/2; U)

Programmed by Dmitri Maximovich, Dmitry I. Platonoff, Eugen Kuleshov.
25.09.99 (c) 1999, RU/2. All rights reserved.
Rewritten by Dmitry Ban. All rights ignored.