RU/2: Форум. Общение пользователей и разработчиков OS/2 (eCS). : header and lib files for MCI/mmpm2

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From : GA
To : Yagiza
Subj : header and lib files for MCI/mmpm2

Look for these two sites:



Concerning MMPM2.LIB:

This library contains all the entry points for the MCI, MMIO, SSM, and multimedia ciontrols.

All the DDLs required are part of the MMPM/2 runtime environment that is part of the OS/2 system.

Newest sources one can find in OS/2 Toolkit v4.5 in \samples\mm

Fri 06 Feb 2004 16:32 Mozilla/4.61 [en] (OS/2; U)

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