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From : valerius, aerolotheOS: ?????? PAF ????? ???????? ? ????
To : All
Subj : ???

В рассылке osFree Tom Lee Mullins дал следующую новость:

[======cut here================]
aerolitheos announcement.htm
I came across this while doing a Google using
'ecomstation news'. Does anyone know more about
this 'succesor to OS/2'?

"Introduced in 2007, aerolitheOS will be our
successor PC operating system for OS/2 Warp and
thus a new alternative for users who have intentions
to change their current platform.

OS/2 users must decide whether they turn to
Windows or Linux or keep an OS/2 alike OS on
their systems. We have done software development
for our PC systems on OS/2 and for OS/2 for
several years now and will not drop our source
code tree. You can also keep your skills an save
your investments in OS/2 software. That is why
aerolitheOS is being developed. This site is a
preliminary web page that provides access to
information about aerolitheOS we can share with
you at the moment.

Your comments and suggestions are welcome and
you can also register with our test programme
to get alpha and/ or beta versions of aerolitheOS.
The first alpha version will be available in fall 2006.

Our operating system is a full 32-bit protected
mode OS that is binary and API compatible with
OS/2 Warp. The OS will be used on our AИrolithe
PC systems, even if its use is not restricted to
these machines. It is extreme compact and reliable
and ideally suited for embedded applications.
Additionally, it is designed to be highly adaptable
so that it fits the requirements of desktop and
network computing.

aerolitheOS combines the principles of the
object oriented user interface and programming
rules of OS/2 with a new and compact operating
system design dedicated to the x86 CPU family.
The binary compatability with OS/2 ensures the
usage of standard OS/2 applications in the long
term. aerolitheOS provides the interfaces of all
subsystems known on OS/2 based on its own object
orientied implementation. "

Would this affect OSFree?
Could OSFree use any of the above?


[======cut here================]

Правда, данная Томом ссылка не открывается в браузере (404 Access denied)
Но, я думаю, для нас это все же интересная новость. Мне не понравилась, правда,
политика авторов PAF, очень уж они жадные до денег, но все же на фоне отказа IBM
от поддержки OS/2 это звучит немного обнадеживающе...


Sat 18 Feb 2006 08:49 Mozilla/5.0 (OS/2; U; Warp 4.5; en-US; rv:1.7.10) Gecko/2005

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