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> > ответ "По вкусу" не предлагать :) > > Но именно такой ответ самый правильный. :) > > От:Scott E. Garfinkle ( > Заголовок:Re: new 0207 kernels > Группы новостей:comp.os.os2.bugs > Число:2001-02-19 06:52:23 PST > > >Anyway, that wasn't the point. the question was 'why 3 different kernels ?'. > There is overhead in the SMP kernel that can be eliminated in non-SMP > kernels. Actually, > we could do even more in that direction than we have. Oh, well. There's no > real difference at > all between the W4 and UNI kernels, at this point, except that the W4 kernel > won't load a PSD (which > is generally kind of useless on a UNI system, anyway) and also deliberately > breaks the DosSetProcessorAffinity API so that the WPS can present a couple > of obscure things differently on a W4 system than on a WSeB uni system. > > > Так что, чисто для порядку (и для соблюдения лицензионных соглашений), как нам и порекомендовал Alex-G - нужно юзать W4 на Warp4/MCP/eComStation и UNI/SMP на WSeB/ACP/eComServer... >
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Programmed by
Dmitri Maximovich
Dmitry I. Platonoff
Eugen Kuleshov
25.09.99 (c) 1999,
. All rights reserved.
Rewritten by
Dmitry Ban
. All rights ignored.