OS/2 Communications FAQ - Cети. Статья 014
Routing for OS/2 | |
(DZ FAQ) Tony Rall <trall@almaden.ibm.com> Organization : IBM Almaden Research Center (2:50/128.0@fidonet)
(Wherever "SLIP" is indicated below, any supported point-to-point protocol could be substituted. From the routing standpoint, it makes no difference. Currently, August 1994, SLIP is the only such protocol supported by OS/2 TCP/IP.)
In the examples below, IP addresses are shown using the following
shorthand: Most, if not all, of the changes suggested below for SETUP.CMD and TCPSTART.CMD (these are in the TCPIP\BIN directory) can be accomplished by completing the Network, Routing, and Autostart sections of the TCP/IP configuration notebook (TCPIPCFG.EXE) rather than simply editing the indicated files. Routing on a machine with a single interface --------------- LAN | | | L1 L2 L3-----other subnets router
Routing a LAN via SLIP to the internet --------------- LAN | | | SLIP link L1 L2 L3/S1-------------------S2/I1---(the internet)In this setup, the administrator of the S2/I1 machine (usually a commercial Internet provider) must be aware that you have a "network" at your end of the SLIP link and not simply a single machine. That administrator usually must assign you the local network address (L) that you will be using (as well as the SLIP addresses (S1 and S2). In some cases, the SLIP addresses will be handled dynamically; this would usually be handled in SLIPUP.CMD, rather than in SETUP.CMD, on L3/S1. (I hope that the LAN addresses, L1, L2, and L3, are not dynamic - I wouldn't know how to handle that.)
Routing a LAN (office) machine via SLIP to a home machine SLIP link S1-------------------S2/I1---(the office network) home officeIn this setup, the administrator of the office network must provide you with your IP addresses. You need at least 3 of them: S1, S2, and I1. Ideally S1 and S2 will be on a different subnet than I1 - ask for this configuration. If your network administrator will only provide addresses in the same network, you must use the "proxy arp" solution below.
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