Squid 3 for OS/2 Maintenance Page
Squid Internet Object Cache.

Current State of Squid OS/2 Port.
There is an OS/2 version of Squid 3.0.stable13 at os2ports.smedley.info, which is a little bit outdated.Squid 2 was successfuly ported to OS/2 by Platon Fomichev. Here you can find OS/2-related FAQ and list of known bugs. Please visit Squid Homepage for OS-independent questions.
Where Can I Get Squid 3 for OS/2?
Squid 3.0 is available now at os2ports.smedley.info. It will be uploaded to os2ports.smedley.info after some testings and necessary bug fixes will be done. Anyway, it runs quite well at this time. Please, check download page for latest versions and hotfixes.Current Version, List of Known Bugs and Workarounds.
- [16/03/2000]
Squid 2.3 Stable 2 Release is ready.
Get it from this link.
Bugs with events,reconfiguring fixed. Please upgrade ASAP, or you are seriously risking to ruin Squid cache by using 2.3 Stable 1.
- [02/02/2000]
Squid 2.3 Stable 1 Release is ready.
Get it from this link.
Also please if you have bug e-mail me ASAP, as I have lots of projects and now have Squid sources and internal struct still fresh in my head. To run cahchemgr.exe on Lotus Go WebServer please rename it to: nph-cachemgr.exe Here is a Squid Pack - a couple of redirectors and a small authenticator.
Btw I am still creating small FAQ about Squid and specific OS/2 things, if you have any ideas feel free to share. For Russian users look in "doc" directory for squid2.faq. - [29/01/2000] Expect Squid 2.3 Stable 1 this or next week. I've already done all preparations and think it will be easy. Just wait for a bit ;)
- [01/11/1999]
Squid 2.2 Stable 5 Release is ready.
Get it from download page.
I recommend to update Squid/2 for all who use Daemon mode. Also please if you have bug e-mail me ASAP, as I have lots of projects and now have Squid sources and internal struct still fresh in my head.
To run cahchemgr.exe on Lotus Go WebServer please rename it to: nph-cachemgr.exe - [12/07/1999]
Squid 2.2 Stable 4 Release with PGCC is ready.
Get it from here.
This is a plain Squid nothing more compiled with PGCC 1.1.3 & GCC 2.8.1 - both require EMX 0.9d Fixpack #2. Executable squidg.exe - GCC version, squidp.exe - PGCC version. Try them. I noticed a real speedup especially with PGCC version.
WARNING! Netscape incorrectly downloads RAR archives, use WGET or any other ftp client. - [12/07/1999]
Squid 2.2 Stable 4 Release is ready.
Get it from download page.
I recommend to update Squid/2 SNMP version, also some general leaks were patched. To run cahchemgr.exe on Lotus Go WebServer please rename it to: nph-cachemgr.exe - [29/06/1999]
Squid 2.2 Stable 3 Release is ready.
Get it from download page.
I recommend to update Squid/2 only if you use DELAY_POOLS or SNMP version. If you have crashes with http 1.1 also update ASAP. - [20/05/1999] Squid 2.2 Stable 2 Pre-Release is ready. Get it from download page.
- [11/05/1999]
Here is a Squid Pack - a couple of redirectors
and a small authenticator, please note that Squid 2.2 contains old and buggy
version of authenticator.
About redirectors - Squirm & Jesred -each claims to be the best and the fastest. Jesred contains one bugfix. Squirm is brand new. Both can be used with Squid 2.1 Beta 4 & Squid 2.2 Beta 1. I am working now on Squid 2.2 Beta 2, cause many users want it, also Squid 2.1 Release is almost done. Btw I am now creating small FAQ about Squid and specific OS/2 things, if you have any ideas feel free to share. - [04/05/1999] Squid 2.2 beta 1 patch is out. Please upgrade ASAP, as patch fixes some bad bugs with meta logs handling.
- [25/04/1999] Some quick patches. First - correct dnsserver.exe, it fixes troubles with uncorrect handling of domain string in resolv file. Next a small patch for correct handling of additional dns servers. In Squid.exe at offset 1443A replace 73 with 6E and in Squid&htcp.exe at offset 14F22 replace 73 with 6E. Sorry for small bugs...
- [24/04/1999] I'm glad to present you new version of Squid - 2.2 STABLE 2 it is Beta 1, but I consider it to be more stable than any others. New Squid features many core bug-corrections and also has improved speed. Beta 1 has all OS/2 features and bug corrections and support all Squid 2.1 external modules like Authenticator or Redirector. After little testing I will also release version with DELAY_POOLS and SNMP. Currenly Squid has HTTP_VIOLATIONS, HTCP, CACHE_DIGEST and others.
- [21/04/1999] I am working on Squid 2.2 version. Also release of Squid 2.1 will be available pretty soon after Beta 1 of upcoming Squid 2.2 Btw please check Squidt.zip available from Squid ftp dir to test SNMP and let me know if it works!
- [18/02/1999] Jesred Squid redirector compiled to OS/2. It can be found at our FTP.
- [02/02/1999] Beta 4 is out. Very serious "swap.state" bug fixed. Upgrade your Squid to Beta 4 ASAP! Details are at readme.os2, included in distribution package.
- [12/01/1999] Fixed Cachemgr bug.
- [11/01/1999]
Squid crashes after start if hostnames are specified in following tags:
tcp_incoming_address tcp_outgoing_address udp_incoming_address udp_outgoing_address
Current workaround: Use IP addresses instead. - [08/01/1999] Beta 3 released.
For any comments or suggestions, please send e-mail to Platon Fomichev or Alexander Krapivin