RU/2: Форум. Общение пользователей и разработчиков OS/2 (eCS). : Looking to sponsor someone for porting work to OS/2

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From : Steve Sharrad
Subj : Looking to sponsor someone for porting work to OS/2


Thanks for this! I will download and test the updated BIND executables on Monday.

I find that the current BIND packs up under heavy load, or indeed under light load when Squid is set to LOG FQDN.

> i got such guy. however not sure he will agree to work, but he can do the job.
> for now you can download a good fixed emx port of bind 8.2.4 =

I would very much like to communicate with your guy. My idea is that we have an up-to date, and stable port of essential utils, such as BIND. I am also worried that if a security vulnerability in BIND is ever identified, then we will all need relatively up-to-date ports that can be patched easily. We are already quite behind ;-)

Does your guy know anything about the Innotek GCC (which I understand produces more reliable results)? Can I e-mail him / or can you pass on my e-mail address? I would be very willing to pay for his work, as I know we all need to work hard to pay our bills!


Sun 27 Jun 2004 10:12 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR

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