RU/2: Форум. Общение пользователей и разработчиков OS/2 (eCS). : HELP! OS/2 Warp4 не ставится на нотик!!!

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From : Andrew Belov, 2:5020/181.2
To : Papa Karlы
Subj : HELP! OS/2 Warp4 не ставится на нотик!!!

> > Ядро 9.023, если уж очень захотелось, можно перекомпилировать в лучших традициях Gentoo Linux
> ээээээээ... ээээтоо кааак ?

Kernel compiling HOW-TO
$Id: kernel-compile-howto.txt,v 1.1 2002/02/14 17:03:48 ******* Exp $

0. Introduction

This document is now outdated. It is still provided as a
reference for practicing the kernel build, but it does not
cover the full compile process.

1. Prerequisites

The build environment is based on the DDK build
environment. One will need certain packages, namely:

* INOUT.ZIP (for OSO001*.MSG)
* MSC60.ZIP (MS C v 6.00 alpha)

Also, the COMKRNL.ZIP package (custom kernel build
environment) is needed unless you want to miss certain
important files.

Mandatory kernel packages - these contain headers which are
reused by other components:

* CMD (COMSUB* for IFS code)

The system level required to build all these things is Warp 3
+ XR_W025 (by default, the build environment is compied for

2. Installation

"Unzip and run" will be sufficient. The following tree will be

+ DOS <- Kernel
+ BIOS <- Loader
+ INC <- Assembly headers
+ TOOLS <- DDK tools, copy MS C v 6.0 BIN* here

Since there is a plenty of old non-LFN aware tools involved in
the builds, use of long names/paths is not suggested. The \DDK
installation path is recommended.

Now, the environment variables. DDKENV.CMD takes care to purge
them. Microsoft 16-bit small model tools may crash if the
environment is exceedingly large.

3. Compiling

Don't run NMAKE -a as it will clear certain dependency files
for which there is no way to redo them automatically. If you
feel that something is stuck, invoke the following target and
run NMAKE again:

nmake inc NODEPS=1

The general rule for compiling the kernel is as follows:


This builds a "retail" kernel. PERFVIEW=1 is required to
include the RAS features into kernel (dumps, etc.). The
compile will fail if PERFVIEW is not specified, although it
may be easy to modify the kernel source and remove the RAS
features completely.

Running "NMAKE PERFVIEW=1 krnld" or "NMAKE PERFVIEW=1 krnlb"
will yield the all-strict and halfstrict debug kernels,

As for now, the kernel is built alongside with a .SYM file for
it but the trace files are not provided. You'll also have to
strip the source-level debug information from the kernel
(e.g. by using LXLITE).

For HPFS, a minor hack is required to prevent linkage errors -
it is enclosed as pinball-make.patch.gz.

4. Build performance

The build process takes from 40 minutes on a 150 MHz 486 to 1
minute on 1466 MHz Athlon XP. The common rule is to provide
some means for caching the frequently-used files (headers and
tools), preferably with lazy-writer latency about 10 seconds.

If HPFS386/JFS is available, the HPFS386/JFS partition is
preferred. The absolutely best HPFS386 cache size is 50M or

RAMFS64 may also be used if enough RAM is available (the
recommended amount is 512M DDR RAM).

5. "make install"

The kernel can be installed onto a production enviroment. It
is considered to be compatible with 9.023...9.025 systems. And
the system can be configured to run modern applications like
Odin, Netscape v 4.61 and Lotus WordPro v 1.51 - it will work
unless some drivers demand a newer kernel. Here is an example
of how to efficiently install the kernel using a mix of Warp 3
CSD levels:

[D:\]bldlevel os2krnl
Signature: @#OEM:9.23#@ IBM OS/2 Kernel
Vendor: OEM
Revision: 9.23
Description: IBM OS/2 Kernel

[D:\]ver /r

The Operating System/2 Version is 3.00
Revision 8.255

The idea was to use XR_W022 (8.246, released in July 1996) as
the base level. Then the kernel was patched to report OS/2 v
3.00, and other components have been selectively upgraded:

PMATM.DLL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . @ XR_W025
PMMERGE.DLL, SYSLOG.DLL, \OS2\*.EXE . . . . . . . . @ XR_W031
LIBC*.DLL, REXXUTIL.DLL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . @ XR_W037
UCONV.DLL, LIBUNI.DLL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . @ XR_W042

The patch for APAR JR12585 reproduces a real modification from
XR_M002 which enables Odin and Opera/2 to run in 9.023.

Tue 24 May 2005 19:45 Mozilla/5.0 (OS/2; U; Warp 4.5; en-US; rv:1.8a6) Gecko/20050

Programmed by Dmitri Maximovich, Dmitry I. Platonoff, Eugen Kuleshov.
25.09.99 (c) 1999, RU/2. All rights reserved.
Rewritten by Dmitry Ban. All rights ignored.