(Mike Kaply, IBM)
I have promised everyone some undocumented features, and
this post lists them.
It also lists some workarounds that are NOT in the README.
Please read this post!
- Lines in images
Some machines might still experience white lines in images,
even after following the FixPak 6 instructions in the
README. If you do, use the following REXX CMD to add
another entry to your INI File:
/* */
call RxFuncAdd 'SysLoadFuncs', 'RexxUtil', 'SysLoadFuncs'
call SysLoadFuncs
call SysIni 'USER', 'FixPak', 'Shift','2'
If you still have the problem, try changing the '2' to '1'
- Viewing source in an editor, using AIM, Host On-Demand,
or Netcaster
OK, the following CMD file is a catch all for all of the
above. First the CMD file: ns.cmd
/* IniName points to the location of your NSCP.INI */
/* Change NSDir to the directory where NS40 is installed */
/* Change InstallDrive to the drive where NS40 is installed */
/* Change en to be the two character identifier for your browser */
IniName = 'C:\OS2\NSCP.INI'
InstallDrive = 'C:'
NSDir = InstallDrive||'\NS40BETA'
InstallDir = NSDir'\Program'
NSVersion = '4.04 (en)'
call RxFuncAdd 'SysLoadFuncs', 'RexxUtil', 'SysLoadFuncs'
call SysLoadFuncs
/* Add ini entries for Netcaster */
call SysIni IniName, 'Netcaster', 'CurrentVersion', NSVersion
call SysIni IniName, 'Netcaster-'||NSVersion, 'Install Directory',
/* Add ini entries for Host On-Demand */
call SysIni IniName, '3270', 'CurrentVersion', NSVersion
call SysIni IniName, '3270-'||NSVersion, 'Install Directory',
/* Add ini entries for AOL Instant Messenger */
call SysIni IniName, 'AIM', 'CurrentVersion', NSVersion
call SysIni IniName, 'AIM-'||NSVersion, 'Install Directory',
/* Add Registry entries for View Source */
call SysIni IniName, 'Registry',
'\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\viewsource','URL:View Source'
call SysIni IniName, 'Registry',
call SysIni IniName, 'Registry',
call SysIni IniName, 'Registry',
Now how to use it:
Install Netscape on windows, copy the contents of NETCAST,
3270, and AIM directories to the appropriately named
directories under where you installed NETSCAPE:
Note that these three products are NOT supported, but feel
free to try. Note that the AOL pulldown will just launch
AIM.EXE in the AIM directory, so you can put anything
Once you have added the View Source entry, you can modify
the settings for it in the Preferences->Applications.
- Misc undocumented OS/2 features:
All these are entries you can add to your PREFS.JS file to
do various things. Have fun experimenting:
- If we see a web page with Arial, Helvetica, we pick
Helvetica if this preference is true
user_pref("os2.arial_pref", false|true);
- Specify a wave file for new mail sound. REMEMBER double
- Prevents ALL filename mangling when downloading (dots and
extension) if set to false user_pref("os2.replace_dots", true|false );
- Turns off URL bar completion if set to false
user_pref("os2.url_completion", true|false );
- Causes User Defined Encoding to use default codepage of
OS/2 if set to true. On Russian systems, this allows you to
see 866 web pages. On default OS/2 systems, you can see 850
user_pref("os2.use_oem_charset", true|false );
- Other notables:
- Viewing any language web page in Communicator
- If you use Times Roman MT 30 as your font for ALL
encodings, you will be able to see stuff in any language.
- Chinese and Korean only work on FP 5 or later (I think)
- Causing helpers to be launched by the WPS:
If you check the application radio button when EDITING (not
creating) a helper, but leave the application entry field
blank, the item simply gets passed to the Workplace Shell.
This can be used to launch Windows helpers with proper
settings, as well as just letting the WPS handle all
misc types.
- Apologies
Sorry all the drag drop still isn't there. It is our number
one priority for the next version. As far as the click on
load goes, Netscape deliberately broke that because of
other bugs. We tried to fix it, but couldn't get it in in
time. Next time. As far as the Collabra problems go, we
couldn't get them to reproduce in the latest drivers. We
hope they are fixed.
Hope y'all enjoy the product!
Mike Kaply
IBM Corporation
Technical Lead
Netscape Communicator for OS/2
(Дмитрий Платонов) Проблемы с русским в Коммуникаторе
Я получил ответ от Майка Капли (mailto:PSPMikeK@aol.com), ведущего
разработчика Communicator. Ранее я сообщал ему о проблемах с
кодировками при отправке писем и просмотре www-страниц. Он сообщил мне,
что для корректной работы необходимо добавить в файл настроек PREFS.JS
в Вашем пользовательском каталоге (NETSCAPE\USERS\ваше_имя) следующие
- user_pref("intl.mailcharset.cyrillic", "koi8-r");
- исходящие письма будут отправляться в кодировке koi8-r
- user_pref("intl.accept_charsets", "koi8-r,*,utf-8");
- www-серверам (тем, которые это поддерживают) будет отправляться
запрос о том, что браузер предпочитает получать страницы в koi8-r
(по умолчанию он зачем-то хочет iso-8859-5)
Кроме этого, кодировкой "по умолчанию" обязательно должна быть
windows-1251. Последнее выглядит несколько обескураживающе, но
объясняется весьма просто: кодировкой "по умолчанию" должна быть
текущая кодировка Вашей системы (то есть, не та, в которой документы
должны отправляться, а та, в которой вы обычно набираете текст). А так
как Коммуникатор был портирован из-под Windows, то нам досталось в
наследство и название текущей кодировки в меню...
Я проверил всe это в своей системе с русским Коммуникатором и у меня
всe заработало нормально. Желаю того же и Вам. м.