OS/2 Software FAQ - Пpогpаммы под OS/2. Статья 056

Q Есть ли аналог GetRight под OS/2?
(Valeri Tokarev, 2:5000/104.38)
/* скрипт для urlres */
'urlres http://ibg.rsl.ru/files/os2faqs.zip  -p'
'urlres ftp://ftp.leo.org/pub/comp/os/os2/leo/devtools/utils/dmake40os2.zip -p'
'urlres  ftp://hobbes.nmsu.edu/pub/os2/dev/emx/contrib/gcc/lobj-bin.zip -p'
'urlres  ftp://ftp.iem.ac.ru/pub/vnc/pmvnc004.zip -p'
'urlres  ftp://ftp.kemsc.ru/pub/sen/hiew610.zip -p'
'urlres http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Pines/7885/PC2/pc2v210.zip -p'

URL Resume v0.12
URL Resume is a simple command line HTTP file transfer utility that has the ability to resume a partially complete web download. For this to work the server must be HTTP 1.1 compatible (which many are these days).

Usage is very easy. Firstly, ensure that the part of the file that has already been downloaded is in the current directory. Then use the command:

urlresume full_url [-p proxy_url]
where full_url is the full URL of the file you're trying to get. The leading http:// can be omitted (only http URLs are supported).

If the site is password protected, you can include your userid and password in the standard format, EG http://userid:password@www.securehost.com/doc.html This will cause urlresume to send an HTTP 'Basic' authorisation.

A proxy can be specified using the -p switch. This will typically take the form: urlresume www.company.com/files/file.zip -p proxy.myisp.com:8080

Hint: if you originally tried the download from Netscape, right click the link and select 'Copy this Link Location' then paste the URL to the command line.

URL Resume is not limited to continuing downloads. It is quite able to start a new transfer, allowing batched file transfers and other uses.

Legal Stuff
URL Resume is distributed as Freeware. This means that you are free to copy

See http://silk.apana.org.au/utils.html for updates. Brian Havard

Практически отовсюду тянется и докачивается (вызовы в цикле на бобике) Скачанные файлы не трогает и не повторяет, ОК?

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Данный FAQ cоставили Ivan Borovicov и Viatcheslav Odintsov (2:5020/181) на основе OS/2 FAQ Дмитрия Завалишина (dz) и материалов переписки в группе эхоконференций su.os2.*. Оформление статей: Николай Королев. Программирование JSP для RU/2: Евгений Кулешов. Благодарности: Дмитрию Максимовичу (MaximDim) за громадную помощь на первых этапах и Дмитрию Бану (banshee) за его помощь при проверке текста.

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