RU/2: Форум. Общение пользователей и разработчиков OS/2 (eCS). : Формально - да, неформально - нет

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From : Andrew Belov, 2:5020/181.2
To : Stanley
Subj : Формально - да, неформально - нет

> По большому счёту, бимеры охотно бы открыли исходники оси, если бы не права третьих лиц.

Насчет прав - может оказаться, что кроме явных исключений (как HPFS386), все права давно у IBM:

─ OS2FREE (2:5020/181.2) ──────────────────────────────────────────── OS2FREE ─
Msg : 398 of 778
From : Adrian Gschwend 2:5020/81.1 26 Feb 02 14:03:48
To : All 26 Feb 02 14:38:24
Subj : IBM OS/2 Open Source (was: Digest Number 9)
From: "Adrian Gschwend" <>

On Sat, 23 Feb 2002 16:26:15 -0800 (PST), Michal Necasek wrote:

> I also do not believe that IBM cannot opensource IBM OS/2 or
>at least large parts of it. That just doesn't make sense.
>Of course I haven't seen the "divorce papers" signed by IBM
>and Microsoft, but I don't think those who say "IBM can't do
>it" have either.
> I do know for a fact that one of the primary developers of
>OS/2 2.0 said something to the effect that "sure, IBM can
>do whatever they want to do with the sources, they're just
>too spineless".

I can confirm that part, I had the email discussion with the OS/2 2.0
lead developer and he clearly told that IBM could do whatever they want
with most part of the code and if they didn't open source it they
"don't know it or won't admit it".

Quote from original email contact I had:
IBM can do what it wants with the src -- they just don't know it or won't
admit it. You wouldn't believe the crap that WAS in the contracts. If
it weren't for IBM, OS/2 could have been what it was planned to be -- MS
was an awesome partner. Unfortunately MS has become today everything they
correctly hated about IBM then and then some. Most of the original MS
developers we worked with are long gone and retired.

That was some month ago.

BTW he is the author of the book "Design of OS/2" I recomended :-)



Adrian Gschwend
@ OS/2 Netlabs

ICQ: 22419590
The OS/2 OpenSource Project:

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